BIA SERIES REVERSE OZMOZ Reverse osmosis systems are often used in homes, choosing from among the various types of items...
DOLON SERIES REVERSE OZMOZ Reverse osmosis systems are often used in homes, choosing from among the various types of items...
SEPERATOR FILTER Seperator filter; is a filtration system used to retain sand and coarse particles in water. Coarse sediments, which...
What is Gray Water Treatment? Gray water is the portion of domestic waste water that does not contain toilet water....
How Does Reverse Osmosis Systems Work? Osmosis is a natural phenomenon, and in short, water is a very dense medium...
WHAT IS FILTRATION? Filtration; It is the process of removing all pollutants causing water, sediment, turbidity, color, taste and odor...
Su Yumuşatma Sistemlerinde Rejenarasyon Kontrolü Nasıl Yapılır? Genelde üç tip kontrol mekanizması vardır. Zaman kontrollü: Kontrol grubu üzerindeki zaman saati vasıtası...
Suların Sertlik Dereceleri Nelerdir? Sular, içerdikleri Ca ve Mg iyonlarının toplamına göre farklı derecelerde sertliğe sahip olabilir. Sertlik değerlerine göre...